Monday, July 1, 2013

A point in time


A point in time

You have grown,

To whom you have never thought,

Confidently became,

To a total beauty

With all the flaws and fines.

It’s basically out thought,

That we can tabulate our lives,

Maybe a point in time,

we will backtrack,

To some very first row.

A point in time we meet people,

We live in  moments,

Moments that furrowed our foreheads

Some might have  we soothed our souls,

With an ounce of hope,

That lies in some future.

One point in time,

We lived little bit more,

Just for the moment
enjoyed what was not in the norm

just for the minute,just for the moment
Oblivious of !

A future cocooned in some eternity.

One point in time you will remember,

Reminisce on the slightest of every bliss,

An ounce of happiness,

No one wants to seek sorrow

 Only Sweet reminisce!

Habiba Ali

Tuesday, April 16, 2013



Is a perverse wildness!

Wildness that might woo me,

Like those with weak hearts,

The ones with wrecked mind.

They think I am  too young ,

To understand the ways of war,

The same war that ripped off my father’s lungs,

The very one that blew off my brother’s brain,

Alas! I know much about this war.

See they are wrong,

When they say I know little about war,

Because this war seethes in my soul every day,

Tattering it into tiny pieces.

Lately I have been thinking about this war,

How am going to break its very wrist,

And wreck it is deepest of existence,

My teeth gritting.

I cannot wait to strip it off,

Its wretched skin,

I want war to bleed with pain,

As I peel its very skin,

Till it pleads for mercy.

By Habiba A Ali

Friday, January 11, 2013

Deviance in Due!

There is something in my heart,
That which is questioned by my mind,
Deep in my soul i come to surrender,
To that which tempts and tantalizes my heart.

Way down something pulls my heart,
 My hopes,
Way up another in whirls my mind,
Society consternation!
So I am almost in surrender,
Between whirlwinds hopes and feelings.

Like a bee on honey,
Scent of freedom seduces my soul,
Free from constant perception and prejudice,
Free from warning glances!
Warnings of the devil and deviance.

See  I drool for this deviance,
A deviance so deep rooted,
In my soul,
Constant perceptions that I brake,
Scents of freedom I seek.

So i am tempted to a resolution,
To what soothes,
And suits me,
A deviance from society suitability!
By Habiba A. Ali,

Somali Cultural Attire

  Somali Women Cultural dress Somali Cultural women dress is called Guntiino , a long stretch of cloth tied over the shoulder and draped ...