Friday, January 11, 2013

Deviance in Due!

There is something in my heart,
That which is questioned by my mind,
Deep in my soul i come to surrender,
To that which tempts and tantalizes my heart.

Way down something pulls my heart,
 My hopes,
Way up another in whirls my mind,
Society consternation!
So I am almost in surrender,
Between whirlwinds hopes and feelings.

Like a bee on honey,
Scent of freedom seduces my soul,
Free from constant perception and prejudice,
Free from warning glances!
Warnings of the devil and deviance.

See  I drool for this deviance,
A deviance so deep rooted,
In my soul,
Constant perceptions that I brake,
Scents of freedom I seek.

So i am tempted to a resolution,
To what soothes,
And suits me,
A deviance from society suitability!
By Habiba A. Ali,

Somali Cultural Attire

  Somali Women Cultural dress Somali Cultural women dress is called Guntiino , a long stretch of cloth tied over the shoulder and draped ...